Let’s make ‘Skills Teaching’ at the core of everything we do
English Book Education, Pearson-ის გამომცელობასთან ერთად გიხდით მადლობას მობრძანებისთვის.
ჩვენთვის ეს დღე იყო განსაკუთრებული რადგან, ვისაუბრეთ, დავგეგმეთ და დავათვაიერეთ ახალი რესურსები თუ მასალები
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Conference Partners:

Unique Learning offers a wide range of universities and programmes for those wishing to study abroad.

Sales Team

Zviad Dekanoidze
Vice President of Business Development
E-mail: z.dekanoidze@englishbook.ge
Mobile: +995 577 34 65 89
Direct Line: (+995 32) 200 12 44
Website: www.englishbookeducation.co.uk
Address: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, 3 m/r, Didi Dighomi , Tbilisi.

Demetre Magradze
Senior Sales Manager
Mobile: +995 511 13 13 00
Direct Line: (+995 32) 200 12 44
Website: www.englishbookeducation.co.uk
Address: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, 3 m/r, Didi Dighomi , Tbilisi.

Mariami Lezhava
Sales Officer
E-mail: m.lezhava@englishbookeducation.com
Mobile: (+995 574) 199 199
Direct Line: 0322 00 12 44 Ext. 1060
Website: www.englishbookeducation.co.uk
Address: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, 3 m/r, Didi Digomi. Tbilisi, Georgia

Nini Sikharulidze
Sales Representative
LTD “English Book Education”
E-mail: n.sikharulidze@englishbookeducation.com
Mobile: (+995 579) 000 190
Direct Line: 0322 00 12 44
Website: www.englishbookeducation.co.uk
Address: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, 3 m/r, Didi Digomi. Tbilisi, Georgia