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Giorgi Akhaladze – Clockwork Orange

Clockwork Orange’s a book, and film that means many to me because it taught me many things. That is why I am fun of Anthony Burgess.  This man talks about such important topics which never lose actuality.

The main character of the story is a boy with name Alex. Our character is the leader of a small juvenile gang.

In this essay, I will discuss the book and screen adaptation of the book. As a reader, I will start with the book.

The story is told by the main character Alex, who commits a lot of horrors with his gang. You will ask me what he is doing with his friends.

Alex and his friends are robbing some shops, steal money, and kill people. And here are also some of the most painful problems of this time: underestimation and disrespect of older people – such as grandmothers and grandfathers.

They beat a drunken old man to death and humiliated him with unbearable laughter. But that’s not the worst. They stole the car, bumped into the people, and laughed at them. Alex’s parents had no idea about it, they thought that Alex was working.

People have no idea when they will die. Even the writer’s daughter didn’t know that it would be a fateful day.

Alex and his friends wanted to spread their legs and fell into the house where the writer lived who was writing a strange book clockwork orange. Guys laughed at him, beat him, and killed his daughter. Then run to a “big job” which became the last one for Alex, because his friends betrayed him and he ended up in prison.

Alex was getting ill and he was offered an experimental treatment. I would like to say a few words about this procedure – it was spinning his brain and washing it well. After the procedure, Alex was released. Newspapers were full of the government’s achievements.

Alex’s family denied him; his “friends”   beat him and threw him away at the stranger’s house. Alex recognized that it was the writers’ house. The writer didn’t recognize the boy, sheltered him, and used him to criticize the government for his purposes. Alex could.t stand himself anymore and decided to kill himself. But he survived and continued to live alone.

A few words about the film. It was made in the 1970s and its visual effects help us to see the England of that period.

My conclusion from all the above mentioned is that human beings mustn’t treat each other the way Alex and his friends treated other people.

Author: Giorgi Akhaladze

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