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Promoting student well-being through English

Teacher, author and trainer, Kate Pickering considered what we mean by social and emotional skills and the role English teachers can play in helping students develop a healthy mindset in today’s challenging world. Practical ideas for integrating student well-being into our classes, so as to produce positive results not only during English lessons, but in students’ life beyond the classroom.

Get Involved!

Get Involved! equips teenage students with the sense of excitement and appetite to explore the world ahead of them. It develops their linguistic skills and Super Skills, encouraging them to get involved in driving their future. The course also enables teachers to create an inclusive classroom where everyone reaches their potential and has an opportunity to shine.

Get Involved! American Edition

Get Involved! equips teenage students with the sense of excitement and appetite to explore the world ahead of them. It develops their linguistic skills and Super Skills, encouraging them to get involved in driving their future. The course also enables teachers to create an inclusive classroom where everyone reaches their potential and has an opportunity to shine.

Source: Macmillan Education

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