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Guga Guliashvili – Literary Essay

Slumdog millionaire is a film about love, passion and hatred. It shows how 2 brothers choose really different paths to success. One wants money, the other wants love. In this film, what defines success is owning material things. One of the brothers will never stop until he gets it. This book taught me that you have to be tough and that is what helps you to survive.

Books or movies? Personally, I prefer books, because it helps your imagination improve and increases your vocabulary. It also gives you a better insight into the society you live in. By reading books you grow so much as a human and get respect from others, they will ask your opinion because that matters to them and that is one of the most important things that you can have. Being a good example to others and being known for your truthful opinions will move you forward and towards success. 

Jamal Malik, the main character of Slumdog millionaire, is understated, sensible, and polite. Jamal has little in common with his brother, Salim. Salim was always a devious man, a natural leader who showed from a young age that he wasn’t afraid to harm others. The one trait they have in common is toughness. He stands firm on his opinion and does not allow others to influence him.

Differences between the book and the movie start with the main theme itself. The slums of Mumbai in Slumdog Millionaire, are projected as places where extreme poverty and only poverty prevails – which is not what the book depicts. The defecation scene shown in the first part of the film is also nothing but Director Danny Boyle allowing his imagination to run wild. Nowhere in the book does anything like this exist. In the book, the protagonist, Ram Mohammed Thomas, who is not a Muslim, lives in an orphanage in Delhi and not in Mumbai. There are many such differences, including the fact that Jamal and his heroine meet as teenagers and live in an apartment, and not in the slums. The story about how Jamal’s mother was killed in the film was not true to the book either. The book and movie are different enough to be considered as two different stories. Both of them are worthy of mention. Both tell us stories that will touch our hearts and make us cry and laugh at the same time.

The movie was darker in some ways than the book. The movie diverges completely in most of the places and takes the route of fiction, away from the facts as given in the book. It makes me certain that the director did this to increase the drama quotient of the movie. 

New Year’s essay

As a rule, New Year is celebrated eight times a year in India. Jamal Malik, the main character of Slumdog millionaire did the same. On the “Gudi Padwa”, he and his love are happily celebrated by cooking extraordinary dishes and repenting of their past actions. As we know, his one and only wish was to find Latika and he fulfilled his dream.

My birthday is on the 8th of October. This day was one of the best days of my life. I spent the day with my friends and family members. We had a lot of fun around the lake and we learnt more about Georgian cuisine. The most important thing that made me happy and my day unforgettable was spending time with my friends and I wish we could spend time like this every single year.

Mekvle (the person who enters the family first in the new year to greet them), is the custom of blessing the family and performing certain rituals in order to ensure a high yield of fertility, happiness and good fortune in the New Year. Initially, when the calendar New Year coincided with the new agricultural year, i.e., the beginning of the agrarian calendar, one of the main duties of the Mekvle was ritual plowing and sowing.

In the remnants of this custom, it was preserved until recently in the form of mixing grain in the homestead or in the family. Over time, the pilgrimage lost its original function of passing the dead, and it survived only in the meaning of a “foot-happy” pilgrim or a “foot-taker”. In ancient times, bulls, sheep or horses associated with agrarian cultures took part in hunting together with people.

In life you have one main goal to achieve, but in order to achieve your main goal you need to do other things, you need to climb stairs of purpose and on every new step you will take every New Year, other intentions and goals appear which you need to complete. 

New Year’s tradition is very different in different parts of the country. According to the Georgian tradition, Santa Claus is a smiling kind old man with a beard and a moustache, dressed in a white coat, who gives gifts to children. In Georgia, the New Year is associated with Santa Claus. Mekvle is the first one who enters the family on New Year’s Eve and wishes the host good luck. New Year was celebrated at different times of the year in different eras. According to surviving reports, the New Year was celebrated on August 6 in the IV century. From the 7th century, August was replaced by September. Since the 20s of the 9th century, the New Year countdown starts from March, the first month of spring. The New Year holiday in January was finally established in the 14th century. 

Author: Guga Guliashvili

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