In one big city called London, lived a little boy named Ebenezer Scrooge. In the city where he lived, the New Year was especially celebrated. On the first day of New Year, a parade was held, which was attended by millions of people. This parade was special because the money raised in it was donated to London charities. The Ebenezer loved New Year and always looked at it.
It’s coming. On New Year’s Eve, he would put a plate on the table before going to bed to leave Santa present for him. It was dawn on New Year’s morning. The Scrooge was 4 years old. He happily waited for the gifts, but didn’t receive them. The reason to this was death of his father, who was sending money to Santa for gifts. So it went on every year, this greatly affected the small Scrooge, from an early age he had to take care of himself. Become uncommunicative. He lost trust in other people, he only thought about collecting money to fulfill the desires he had dreamed of as a child.
Scrooge also treated employees badly, did not give salaries to employees. In modern life, Scrooge would not be able to retain employees and would have to close the company because without employees, the company could not exist.