The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World is a book written by Haemin Sunim, published in 2017. It is a guide to finding peace and calm in the midst of a fast-paced and chaotic world. The book explores the importance of mindfulness and self-care, and offers practical advice and techniques for slowing down and finding balance in daily life. It is a great gift for anyone looking to improve their mental health and well-being in the new year.
Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success is a book written by Angela Duckworth, published in 2016. It is a discussion of the role that grit, or perseverance and determination, plays in achieving success. The book draws on research and real-life examples to demonstrate the importance of grit in overcoming obstacles and achieving one’s goals. It is a great gift for anyone looking to increase their resilience and drive in the new year.
Surrounded by Psychopaths: Or, How to Stop Being Exploited by Others is a book written by Thomas E. McNulty, published in 2017. It is a guide to recognizing and dealing with psychopathic behavior in others, whether in personal relationships or in the workplace. The book offers practical strategies for protecting oneself from exploitation and manipulation, and for building healthy relationships with others. It is a great gift for anyone looking to improve their emotional intelligence and navigate difficult interpersonal situations.
David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants is a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, published in 2013. It is a discussion of the concept of “underdogs” and how they are often able to achieve unexpected victories over seemingly more powerful opponents. The book uses examples from history and modern life to explore the ways in which disadvantaged individuals and groups are able to overcome obstacles and achieve success. It is a great gift for anyone looking to find inspiration and motivation in the new year.
The Purpose of Power: From the co-founder of Black Lives Matter is a book written by Alicia Garza, published in 2020. It is a discussion of the role of power in shaping society and the ways in which individuals and groups can work to challenge and transform power structures. The book offers a vision for creating a more just and equitable world, and provides practical strategies for building movements and making change. It is a great gift for anyone interested in social justice and activism.
21 Lessons for the 21st Century is a book written by Yuval Noah Harari, published in 2018. It is a collection of essays exploring the major challenges and opportunities facing humanity in the 21st century. The book covers a wide range of topics, including technological change, globalization, terrorism, and the future of democracy. It is a great gift for anyone looking to stay informed and engaged with the major issues of our time.