On 5 June 2019, World Environment Day will be on the theme of “air pollution”— a call to action to combat one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Hosted by China, World Environment Day invites us all to consider how we can make changes in our daily lives to reduce air pollution, which in turn can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and benefit people’s health too. China has demonstrated tremendous leadership in tackling air pollution domestically and its commitment to improving air quality can serve as an inspiration to countries around the world.
Our Campaign
Together we can #BeatAirPollution and governments around the world are invited to take part. Explore this site to learn about the different types of air pollution and why they matter to you using infographics, quizzes, and storiesfrom around the world.
World Environment Day can be a platform for students and education officials to lead the fight for cleaner air and ask their governments and schools to transition to cleaner energy.
Resource Guide for Schools and Universities
Lesson Plans:
- Check out this 45-minute Science lesson to teach K – Grade 12 students about the sources of air pollution.
Source: Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, the University of Colorado at Boulder - Air Pollution 101 is a one-class Science lesson plan for high school students that educates about the sources and dangers of air pollution.
Source: Earth Day Network; Clean Air School - Check out this hands-on activity guide for educators to use in the classroom about how to measure particular matter.
Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - List of further Air Quality lesson plan resources
Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA
University Lecture Notes:
- 25-page University of Illinois Air Pollution Leaning Module focusing on air pollution sources and its effects on the environment and human health.
- 1-2 lesson LSC Lecture Notes on Air Pollution covering the history of major air pollution events, primary and secondary pollutants, a case study example and air pollution trends.
Other Resources for Schools:
- Access this archived online Air Pollution course (2010) about the principles and concepts of air quality management.
Source: The Open University - This Air Quality Toolkit targeted at Primary Schools aims to educate children and their families about the positive changes they can make to improve air quality.
Source: London Sustainability Exchange (LSx) - This Handbook for Schools on Organic Waste Management can help you understand how to manage organic waste in order to reduce emissions from waste.
Source: Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) - The US EPA Air Quality Flag Program helps to alerts institutions to the local air quality forecast and helps them to take actions to protect people’s health, including those with asthma.
Source: Air Now - These UK Clean Air Day resources and activities provide a variety of air quality educational materials that can be used to educate your students about air pollution.
Source: Global Action Plan