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Timote Mdivane – Books or Movies?

In our century, in the gadget-and internet era we are living in, movies are more popular than books.

Books require a lot of time and concentration. Books give detailed information about the story, the characters are introduced perfectly, the content is well structured and we, as readers, are pulled into the river of interest. Books allow you to imagine the setting or events happening in the story. When we read a book we visualize everything, so we can give free reign to our imagination. It allows your mind to be creative.

On the other hand it could be argued that films are better than books. People may say that films have a more social aspect than books. You can go to the cinema with your friends and talk about the film together. You cannot read a book the same way.

Movies make stories easier to understand. The film industry does create more job opportunities. There are many different roles when creating a film such as producer, costume artist, makeup artists, director and script writer.

Considering everything we have discussed above, it is clear that books and movies are both necessary. Both of them have their plus and minus points. My parents always say that books are better than movies and they always give me books and promote reading. They are always happy when they see me reading a book. Honestly I prefer to watch movies. The story shown on the screen makes me more imaginative and happier. I like to watch the visual effects and my beloved actors and actresses on the silver screen.

Author: Timote Mdivane

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