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Teacher’s And Students’ Comments About Teenagers Course


Teenagers Course  Teacher  Kristine Abuladze commentte

I, as a teacher, find it really interesting to work with teenagers. This age group is very active and always striving to achieve their future goals.

Here, at ‘’Unique Learning’’, we always try to use not only updated, but also interesting teaching techniques, that make our students fully involved in the learning process. These methods include the activities, which develop different skills and are funny at the same time.

The courses for teenagers are intensive, which means that we cover 3 or 4 books each semester. These books build various skills needed for their future career.

Teen Students Comments

Taso Bardzimashvili

I think Unique Learning isn’t anything like other institution. Their method of teaching is very smart and quite effective. The books are very interesting and modern. The teachers are good at their jobs and they make learning easy and interesting at the same time.

What I like most about Unique Learning is that we do a lot of pair work; we read in class, do role plays and play educational games. The class is never boring at Unique Learning. We have two teachers, Georgian and Native speaker teacher. We have three lessons each week and all of them are very interesting,

Dati Kochihvili

Hello my name is Dati Kochishvili. I have been studying at Unique Learning for 3 years.  The level of teaching and learning at Unique Learning is very good. We use modern books with interesting topics. I think that everything about Unique Learning is good. During classes we do lots of activities and what I like the most is that we have two teachers, Georgian teacher but also Native Speaker.


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