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Tato Chaava – Christmas Essay

Let’s be honest, there are many books that try to portray degeneracy, coldness, irresponsibility and many other “bad and horrible” sides of society, but I personally think that throughout the whole Book Club there was one and only book that portrayed the cold side of society as well as The Great Gatsby, the story might be just another romantic fantasy that’s about a rich and famous person trying to get attention and love of his long dreamed woman but throughout the story, has it really been the main picture that you have seen?

The amount of unfaithful relationships and desperation for money, greed and many other things that honestly most of us could easily cause onto ourselves is shocking. The only sane person in the story is a man by the name of Nick. What do I mean by sane? He has been the only person who wasn’t suspected of doing illegal activity for money, the only person who had genuine feelings towards others and didn’t want them for their money, the only person who was shook by the fact of them quite literally riding over a woman with a car, aside from her husband, who also knew that she had an affair with one of the side characters. 

The small details in this story show many and I mean many hated sides of society that we try to hide, but really, does it work if someone is able to portray it this well?

I will discuss the differences between books and movies and the negative and positive attributes of both. I’m neutral about the subject. While books seem to train both your mind and powers of imagination through certain “tricks”, watching a movie about the book could certainly be more entertaining or even better, because obviously, the movie adaptation will have certain changes to the story that might be for the good. Books and movies might have significant or insignificant changes to the storyline, but at the end of the day, they are both still great ways of entertaining yourself and also, if you try hard enough, it might even improve your language skills.

One of the great examples can be a book and also a movie titled “Wonder”. This story has no significant changes in the movie, but the movie did certainly make things look more emotional and alive, while the book portrayed the story in a bit of a better manner. The choice is yours: you can like a book more than a movie, or a movie more than a book, but always consider respecting others’ opinions, because as I said before, both have their strengths and weaknesses.


Since I’ve started talking about what The Great Gatsby portrayed, I might as well say a bit about the main character of the story, Nick Carraway. He was the son of a rich family and he has been living with them for a while, until he decides to move to New York. The action of The Great Gatsby takes place along a corridor stretching from New York City to the suburbs known as West and East Egg. West and East Egg serve as stand-ins for the real-life locations of two peninsulas along the northern shore of Long Island. Nick was a simple man, he just wanted to live a normal life and be happy. Through the heavy, dramatic and really negative things happening to him and the others, he had the most realistic reactions possible because really, what else was there to do? As I consider, Nick was the only sane and normal person in the whole story.

I think that Nick Carraway would spend New Year with his family. On the day of the New Year, he’d be just having fun with his family members. Now as for myself, there are many days that I remember and many that I don’t from 2022 that I’d like to relive again, but probably one of the best days was the day of Secret Santa at my school. I’d absolutely love to relive it again. The amount of fun we had was really off the charts. There are many fake beliefs about New Year, I particularly don’t follow nor believe in any, but some people actually do believe in them. 

One of the examples of fake beliefs is that in Italy before the clock strikes 12 and the New Year comes, they have to eat 12 grapes. It is thought that it will bring healthiness and fortune to the people doing it. Setting goals in your life before the New Year is a pretty good way to motivate yourself to achieve them. Obviously your goals might change along the way but it’s not a big problem, because as long as that goal will be set, and as long as you motivate yourself, it will always be achievable. New Year’s in Georgia is celebrated with both traditional and nontraditional dishes enjoyed with friends and family members, while the Christmas tree shines in the background. 

Author: Tato Chaava

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