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Shio Khardzeishvili – Books or Movies?


  For a long time, people have been debating if books are better than movies, so I want to state my opinion. In books, there is a given story and while we read it, we imagine the situation or a moment in the book with our mind. We understand the text in our own way, with our own imagination and see the character in our preferred appearance. We see the world of the story in a unique way.


  Movies sometimes are a great representation of a book, which is shown to us in a visual form. Movies can be a great form of entertainment and can be good to pass some time . What we see in movies is from someone else’s imagination and  cannot be changed by us which can cause for people to not like certain movies and its characters.


  Books are more likable to us because we imagine the atmosphere the way we prefer it to be. In movies, we may not like the imagination the director used to create the movie and the actors may not even look  like the characters we imagined. In conclusion – books can be more fun! Movies can ruin our impression of the story itself and we may not want to read the book afterwards, so its better to read the book first and then watch the movie. This way, if the movie director changes the plot, we will know  the original as told in the book. 

I prefer:

 For me personally I prefer books since they are original. Also, nothing changes from the original story and it sticks to the plot. This is my opinion and not everyone will agree with it. I also watch movies, but only when I have read the book first. In conclusion, both are very good, but in my opinion books are better.

Author: Shio Khardzeishvili

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