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Ruska Chikaidze – Christmas Essay

During the winter break, I read several books, but my favorite was ‘Recognition in the palm of your hand’ (in Georgian ‘აღიარება ხელისგულზე’).

The book tells the story of Rada Modebadze, a student of the Faculty of Journalism. She is constantly fighting with herself and the outside world. Modebadze is not noticed or ridiculed, so she becomes evil and attracts attention in ‘dirty ways’.

Andria Makharadze, the most popular boy in the university, constantly belittles the main character. Rada hates her classmate and decides to teach him how to be smart. To uncover Andrias’ secrets, the girl begins digging into his past. Soon the ordinary story will turn into a real war.

This book has taught me a lot, for example, not to trust people easily. Even though it is nice to have lots of trustworthy people around you, you never know what they have in mind. Also, I have learned that just because you want people to notice you, you should not step over your priorities and others’ personal lives. The main character of the book was a girl Rada and she goes through peoples’ deeply personal lives and posts about it on the internet. She ruined their life for her own good. This book also taught me that a pretty face does not mean a pretty heart. That is proved by how Rada’s boyfriend acts at the end. 

You should never think that just because you are pretty, you can have anyone and anything you want. It also made one thing clear for me, that there are two things love can do, it can either get you killed or make you feel like you are living your dream life.

Author: Ruska Chikaidze

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