English Book Education is pleased to announce Pearson Live Webinar Series. Join to Pearson’s experts in this upcoming webinar series to discover tips and advice that will support your learners and help their confidence grow.
Tuesday 20 September; Tbilisi Time 19:00;
Being Your True Self in English: Hear how to bring personality and personalisation to English language learning so your learners can truly be themselves in English.
Wednesday 21 September; Tbilisi Time: 19:00;
Boost Your Confidence Teaching STEAM: Explore the ways you can combine English language learning with STEAM teaching and confidently grow your learners’ skills set.
Thursday 22 September; Tbilisi Time: 19:00;
Learning Happens Best When…: Discover the science behind designing successful learning experiences that have confidence-building at their core.
Friday 23 September: Tbilisi Time: 19:00;
The Psychology of Learning Supported by the GSE: Find out how The Global Scale of English (GSE) helps set learners up for success on a confident and life-long learning journey.
All Webinars will be recorded so you can watch them when its suits you!