We are delighted to invite you to the Pearson Educational Forum – live online training – webinars on the 20th-21st of April.
Pearson webinars are free trainings dedicated to teachers and educators that allow you to receive a certificate of participation without leaving your home. Participation in the webinar require registration on a dedicated platform or joining a thematic group.
Session 1: Presence at a distance – building a sense of community in online education – with Alastair Creelman
Date: 20th of April
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 (Tbilisi Time)
As the covid-19 crisis continues there is increasing focus on how to develop online teaching from simple content delivery to collaborative learning and co-creation. How can we foster a sense of community in our classes and facilitate greater socialization between students? In this session Alastair Creelman from Linnaeus University in Sweden will discuss some of the lessons learned from the last year of online education and give examples of tools and methods that can help to reduce the feeling of distance and isolation that many students feel today.
Register for this session:
Session 2: Control Shift – how to help your adult students meet their potential – with Magdalena Kania
Date: 20th of April
Time: 14:10 – 15:10 (Tbilisi Time)
What is the role of a teacher in a modern online class? Is the teacher still a sage on the stage or rather a guide on the side? Are students capable of growing linguistically without being spoon-fed by teachers?
In this session I will focus on the role reversal that can or even should take place in our virtual classrooms, especially when working with adult learners. I will present some digital tools and resources that can help you adapt this ‘control shift’ to your teaching and give some tips on how best to run online lessons to help our students meet their potential.
Register for this session:
Session 3: Small Steps, Big Results – how to maximise your online lessons with older teens – with Magdalena Kania
Date: 21st of April
Time: 16:25– 17:25 (Tbilisi Time)
To achieve our goals, we must establish firm habits and stick to them. Difficult as it may seem, all you need to do is to divide the goal into manageable steps. Keeping in mind that small, consistent steps add up to big results, we can adapt this approach to our teaching and shape our lessons in such a way that each and every minute spent online counts.
In my session I will show you how using an interactive e-book and some other digital tools can help you maximize your students’ learning without overburdening them. I will also share some practical tips and ideas from my own online teaching experience.
Register for this session:
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance and a digital goody bag of quality materials.
Thank you for cooperation!
English Book Education