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Nutsa Elgandashvili – Gulliver’s Christmas in Lilliput Island

It has been a long time since Gulliver left Lilliput Island. Christmas was coming soon. Gulliver missed his small friends very much, so he decided to surprise them and make them happy. 

It was always summer in the land of the Lilliputians. Only palm trees grew there. There were no pine trees. Gulliver thought of taking a giant Christmas tree, glittery Christmas decorations and lots of sweets to create a real  Christmas holiday. 

He loaded the ship with things,  sweets and gifts and sailed to the island.

A terrible storm broke out as he got close to the Bermuda Triangle.  A strong wind was blowing; enormous waves were hitting the ship, and water was coming on the deck. The crew and the captain fought against the storm the whole night.  Finally, the storm was over. The morning sun rose, the sky was clear, and the ocean was calm and blue. Dolphins were jumping out of the water and making cute noises.

The ship reached Lilliput Island. Lilliputians ran out to meet their friend Gulliver. They surrounded him and started to shout out for joy.

Gulliver put a tree in the main square, decorated the Christmas tree and placed presents under the tree. It got dark soon. Everyone gathered around the Christmas tree, including the King and the Queen, the princess and her fiancé, ministers, generals, soldiers and citizens.

Gulliver lit the Christmas lights, gave presents to everyone and served sweets. Everyone sang  Christmas songs merrily around the Christmas tree, danced and laughed. The Christmas party continued till morning. 

Gulliver was pleased. He brought love and happiness to his friends.  

Author: Nutsa Elgandashvili

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