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Nitsa Bokhua – BOOKS VS MOVIES

 I bet you have asked yourself the following question at least a million times-‘’ Is it better for me to read books or watch movies?”. You’re not the only one who has thought about this issue. In fact, a lot of people debate about it. Technically, both of them (reading books and watching movies) are educational sources and they have their advantages/disadvantages. Sometimes, individuals just make decisions without giving specific examples to prove that they are right. That way, they spread misinformation without even realizing it!  

After hearing all of these serious discussions, I have my point of view as well. In my opinion, it’s more beneficial for you to read books. Scientifically, due to reading, we create traits that are then slowly imbibed within us and play a huge part in developing our critical thinking. It’s like an exercise for your brain because while reading about different scenes, you have to imagine those scenes in your head and turn your creativity mode on! Have you heard this quote ’’Eye is your biggest weapon”? It’s 100% true. While reading your eyes pay attention to every single letter and punctuation mark. So, turns out reading helps you to spell words correctly and express your opinions brightly using sentences (watching movies can’t help you to provide that skill). Those who don’t read books make a lot of mistakes not only in writing but also speaking.

The following advantage is very simple and I’m pretty sure that a lot of people know this… reading increases your vocabulary. It’s a great source to learn a new language. However, whenever you “encounter” a word you don’t know you shouldn’t ignore it. Take a notebook/dictionary and write down all of those words with definitions and translations. After you finish reading about ten pages, go through all of those words and learn them one by one (That’s another thing that will be extremely hard to do while watching movies that don’t have captions). I have a quick question for you… Have you ever got distracted by a bird (for example) in the middle of doing something? Well, some people do. And believe it or not, reading fosters concentration. Because, while reading you pay all of your attention to details not to miss anything. Speaking of concentration… a few days ago, I saw a girl who posted this: ” So, yesterday I had a visit to my therapist (I have issues with anxiety and stress), and she told me that I should read books. I think it’s complete nonsense. What do you guys think?”. Let me tell you… It isn’t nonsense…it’s genius. As I’ve stated, while reading you fully concentrate on details, so you forget your concerns. Even scientists approved of the fact that reading reduces stress by 68%!  

 Therefore, it’s 100% recommended by me to read books. Even though I enjoy watching movies, I haven’t changed my point of view. Nevertheless, I respect others’ opinions. The final decision should be made from your heart!    

Author: Nitsa Bokhua

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