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Nini Urtashvili – Christmas Essay

Professor Verity and the Grinch built a machine to spoil the New Year’s mood but this machine did not work. The Grinch saw that one part was missing.

The Grinch and Professor Verity began to look for this part but they did not find it and they did not know that Santa Claus stole that part. Within 2 hours, they realized that Santa Claus had stolen that part and started looking for Santa. The Grinch and Professor Verity quickly built a flying marquee. They boarded it and flew to the North Pole. 

Soon they found Santa Claus and decided to kidnap Santa Claus. They thought that if they kidnapped Santa it would spoil everyone’s Christmas spirit, but Athos decided to help Santa. He would need help. Athos called his friends Aramis, Dartarian and Porton.

They decided to help Santa. Santa hid the part and sent it to the four musketeers. The four musketeers hid the part and then helped Santa. Professor Verity and the Grinch were thrown in prison and realized that they shouldn’t do bad things again.

Author: Nini Urtashvili

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