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Nia Tsutskiridze

In December, one foggy day Miss Mary woke up early in the morning and looked at the calendar, she saw that it was the last day of the year, New Year is coming. Mary was a serious girl. At first glance she was a serious, cold and heartless ten year old girl, but in reality she was very loving, warm and sensitive child. The girl’s parents were always busy, that is why the child was cared for by caregivers and servants. Miss Mary had everything, many toys, and clothes as she want, but Mary had only one unfulfilled dream, and she wanted to spend more time with his family. Several hours passed. Mary’s parents were still at work. It did not snow outside when the house was decorated by the servants for New Year. Miss Mary looked out the window and waited for the New Year miracle, but in vain. Several hours passed again. Mary was asleep, but soon she heard some strange voice and woke up, she ignored it and continued to sleep. That voice was the sound of Mary’s parents locked the door and that sound was coming from downstairs. Mary’s parents had free time to go shopping and buy gifts for her. Two hours have passed. Mary woke up and saw his parents by her bed, she was surprised. Mary didn’t understand what was happening but later she found out everything. Mary and her parents sat down at their big table and that is how Mary’s dream comes true.

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