We are pleased to announce that English Book Education in partnership with National Geographic Learning is organising an ELT conference on the 9th of November 2019 in Tbilisi.
The conference will be conducted by Alex Warren, a DELTA trained teacher trainer.
The sessions focus on the following topics:
- Thinking Outside the Box – the power of TED in developing creative and innovative 21st century thinkers
- Visual Literacy & The Power of the Image
Please download the conference agenda
The conference will be held at English Book Education’s HQ office: #92 Vepkhistkaosani Street, Didi Digomi.
Please follow the link to register: bit.ly/2OxKTyL
Registration deadline: 4th of November.
Registration Fee: 20 GEL
For more information please contact us:
Email: t.khachidze@englishbook.co.uk │ englishbookteam@englishbook.ge
©English Book Education