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Natali Ubiria – Christmas Essay

D’Artagnan and his girlfriend Constance were travelling by boat. Suddenly they saw a snowflake and realized that this night was the New Year. 

They immediately started preparing. They prepared seafood for dinner. Seagulls helped to decorate the ship and created beautiful decorations with feathers. Many candles were lit. Unfortunately, a huge wave crashed onto the ship and ruined the decorations. 

Suddenly, D’Artagnan noticed a ship with the symbol of his three friends, the Three Musketeers on the sails. He took a tree branch, set it on fire, and waved it to his friends signaling that help was needed. 

D’Artagnan, Constance and the three musketeers managed to take the ship to a safe place, restore the decorations and welcome the New Year together sweetly and happily. 

They thought of ending the war as a New Year’s wish. And I watched all this through binoculars from a distant ship and shared their joy.

Author: Natali Ubiria

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