Hi! My name is August and I am going to tell you how I celebrated my New Year’s. On the last day before the New Year, Jack texted me. He said that I am a freak and stupid. This made me very sad and I cried. My mom saw me crying and asked: “What is going on?” I told her about everything. Then she said: ”Bullies will always exist, but it doesn’t mean that you must cry. Just ignore them and soon they will apologize.”
Soon Jack texted me: “I am very, very sorry for all the mean things I said to you.”
I answered: “It’s okay but do not do it again.”
My mom and my sister were baking Christmas cookies and my dad was decorating our Christmas tree. The next day we were at home with my dad, sister and mom. We were eating, dancing and singing. It was the perfect time together. It was twelve o’clock and it was time to go to sleep. My sister and I were waiting for the special gifts we would receive on the morning of January the 1st.
Finally it was morning. I woke up my sister and we ran to the Christmas tree to see what Santa brought us and we were shocked when we saw a new PlayStation 5, pencils, a sketch book and new hearing aids.
I think it was the best Christmas ever.
Author: Muhamad Mamedov