Just in case you might have forgotten, Valentine’s day has passed. Whatever your relationship status may be – “Hopelessly devoted to love,” “it’s complicated,” or still waiting for that “one”—Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to pick up a romantic book and really get into the spirit of the holiday.
Specially for this occasion, we have prepared a perfect book for our readers – Stephenie Meyer’s “Midnight Sun”.
About a decade ago, Stephenie Meyer took the world by storm when she revealed the love story of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan in her book “Twilight”.
In 2008, some chapters of the book were leaked which became the reason for Meyer to put the project on hold. However, 12 years later we finally have an opportunity to add this unforgettable tale to our bookshelves. The love story of Edward and Bella is the same, however the key difference between Twilight, and Midnight Sun, is the latter’s supernatural vampire skill of hearing other people’s thoughts, since we look at everything from Edward’s point of view.
This is what Stephanie told The New York Times –“The things that I enjoy most about it are — I liked not being the human being. I like that experience, stripping away your humanity and getting to be something else.” Even though the original “Twilighters” or “Twihards”, as the fans of Twilight call themselves, are not in teen age anymore, Meyer was still able to make the readers rediscover the teenagers in themselves. Throughout the course of the book we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and his inner thoughts, we also get the insights of his relationship with his siblings. Meyer took the same story, overwrote it, and still managed to add some new elements of intrigue. So, we suggest lighting up some candles, unwrapping a couple of sweet chocolates, slipping into something silky, and getting ready to turn up the heat with an immortal love story that will take you on a new journey, something that you haven’t experienced yet.