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Mariam Abuseridze – Books or movies?

For some people books are the only way to escape their problems and feel something that they do not feel in reality. They imagine and see everything described in the book in their own way. Reading a book can help enrich your vocabulary and your imagination. It also helps you to express your thoughts and opinions. Some people prefer watching movies. They visually see the characters and places where the action takes place, so they do not have to imagine everything. 

Watching movies in a foreign language helps you learn a new language. You learn new words, how to pronounce them correctly, accents, etc.

In my opinion both are good for us and it just depends on the person. If the movie is based on a book, very often the book is more detailed and we have more information about some things that are not described or even shown in the movie. This makes a book more interesting, but sometimes it can happen the other way around. The perfect example of this is the book “All the boys I’ve loved before” and the movie which is based on this book. The movie was good too, but nothing compared to the original book. The book was more interesting, because every single thing was detailed and described fantastically and the story was longer and more interesting, which we can not say about the movie. As I already mentioned, it was good but it lacked something, the book didn’t. The movie was shorter and some moments were omitted, which I did not really like, because I was looking forward to seeing those moments. 

At last all I can say is that it depends on a person whether they like the book more or the movie. It is a very individual thing. Both have benefits and can help in many ways. I suggest doing both – first read the original book and then watch the movie. This way you can compare the two and decide which one is better.

Author: Mariam Abuseridze

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