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Luka Asgarov – Sherlock Holmes

In this essay I want to talk about Sherlock Holmes. The main idea of the book is that no matter how twisted the crime is, it will still be solved and the culprit will be punished. It is very interesting, tense and full of surprises for the reader. This book tells us a story about a detective who solves the most difficult and practically unsolvable crimes, which even the police struggled with. 

There was a detective named Sherlock Holmes, who helped people and caught real criminals. Today a man named Mr. Kibbitt came to him asking for help and told his story. He had a wife who received letters from dancing men. The police couldn’t help him and that’s why he turned to Sherlock Holmes and gave him these letters asking him to solve the mystery.

Sherlock Holmes realized that these dancing men were mafia hieroglyphs and he understood what it meant. He went to Mr. Kirbbitt but when he got there it was too late because he was dead and his wife was wounded. Sherlock Holmes began an investigation. He interviewed all the people living there, looked for evidence that the police could not find, and found out that the man who wrote these letters was a male friend of Mr. Cuban’s wife, who lived in America and came to England. He tried to meet his beloved Kaltan by writing these letters and tried to extort money. One night, when a woman tried to give money to her ex-boyfriend, her husband saw her and shot her friend. This friend then shot and killed Mr. Kubiti.

 When Elsie saw her ex-boyfriend kill her husband, she took her husband’s gun and tried to kill herself.  Sherlock Holmes wrote a letter in the language of those men and asked for a meeting to trap the murderer, and he succeeded 

                                Movies and Books

I love books and movies because books help us to develop our imagination. Movies can show us scenes, which are unimaginable. When I read, it helps me to develop my imagination and if I watch a movie, I will notice details I might not have grasped when reading the book 


In this essay I chose to talk about Robinson Crusoe, because I thought it would be interesting to think about how he would celebrate the New Year. He had neither a calendar nor knew the days. He was on a harsh island and had nothing with him. What I would do differently in that situation is that I would create a calendar and mark New Year’s Day as January 1st. What would I do alone on New Year’s Day on January 1? I would carve figurines of people out of wood, sit around the fire, catch fish, eat tropical fruit and decorate one small bush as a Christmas tree. What would I wish for in Robison Crusoe’s place? My biggest wish would be to go back to my home. I hope that someone will eventually find me on this harsh island. If they stopped looking for him and couldn’t find him, then Robinson Crusoe would build a big boat and try to go home.

There are many false beliefs about New Year including the concept of fate and the tradition of Mekvle. The most important thing is to be positive and joyful during New Year as well as every day that follows.

My goal is to study well, do good deeds and have many happy days.

In Georgia, New Year’s is celebrated the day before when big preparations begin, a big table is laid, guests are invited and songs, dances and laughter can be heard. Families also meet at home on New Year’s Eve and enjoy outdoor concerts.

I chose Germany as the second country. The common thing between Germany and Georgia is that the Christmas tree is lit and gifts are bought.  At midnight we light fireworks. The difference is that in Georgia we invite guests and it’s a big day of celebration, while in Germany they first spend time at home as a family and then celebrate outside the house, for example at concerts.

Author: Luka Asgarov

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