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Lika Kvekveskiri – Wonder (August)

Hi, I’m August and this is how I spent my Christmas.

  • Kids look at what Santa brought you – shouted mom.

We ran down the stairs.

        –    OMG! Is this the phone I wanted??? Thank you, mom and dad! – Via screamed.

        – Thank you for the train, mom and dad – I said.

        –  Honey, what’s wrong? – Mom asked me. 

        –  Nothing’s wrong, mom – I replied. 

        – I know when something’s wrong, honey, did you not like the train? – mom asked.

        –  No, no, the train is amazing, I just…– I said.

        –  You just what? – Mom asked me.

        – Everybody in my class has an Ipad- but I don’t have one – I said.

        – Oh honey, you should have told us that, if Santa had known he would have gotten the Ipad for you – mom said.

        – I know – I said.

       – You know what? I made spaghetti and meatballs. Let us eat dinner – mom said.

  We ran to the dinner table.

Mom, give me the bigger meatballs please! – Via told mom.

No mom! Give me the bigger ones and give me more than Via – I shouted.

Ok kids, calm down, you will get the same amount of meat balls and they will be the same size as well – mom said.

We ate and watched TV.

  • Sweetie! We got a special delivery, look it’s from Santa – mom said.

I opened the present and found a brand new Ipad inside the box. There was a letter from Santa apologising for delivering my gift so late. This was the best gift ever and I could not believe my luck. I thanked my mom and Santa too, of course!

Author: Lika Kvekveskiri

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