The Little Prince’s friend liked New Year very much. He was ready to celebrate. One day the fox was thinking about where to celebrate New Year?” After the fox finally decided to celebrate New Year in his favorite town called Fox Town, he bought a train ticket and packed his bags. The town was only for foxes and not for people so that is why the train was full of different foxes. After a long train ride the fox looked out the window and what did he see?! Many people were gathered in their town!!!
- This is our holiday place! People are not allowed to be here! At that moment, a voice was heard in the train: ”For the attention of all passengers, we are changing the route due to the disturbance in the town. Please wait 30 minutes to board a train to another town. Thank you’’
Our fox was thinking of a plan on how to get rid of the people in this town and he came up with a plan. He snuck onto the balcony where the Queen Fox was speaking to the town over a microphone. Whoever stood on this balcony could see the whole town and started talking to the crowd. The coolest thing was that the people didn’t even notice that he was a fox, because his voice sounded human.
He said: ”ATTENTION,ATTENTION ! This town needs to evacuated, because a large asteroid is heading towards this town.”
The fox didn’t even finish speaking and everyone was already buying tickets and fleeing the town. The fox was happy because he saved the whole Fox Town! Right now the fox can celebrate the New Year happily without any humans invading his town!
Author: Ketevan Udzilauri