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Kato Tsuladze – Why is it important to set goals at the start of a new year?

Getting things done is often more difficult than you may think. You may have a strong desire to see positive changes in your life, including better grades, weight loss, or passing an educational course. To see and achieve the results you desire requires you to act fast from the very beginning of the year.  We all must understand that we have a responsibility to shape and improve our reality. Only after realizing this, can we set goals and change our lives for the better.

From my perspective, everyone’s New Year should be full of new goals, new challenges, and experiences.  Goal-setting is one of the most important things you can do to live the life you want for yourself. Unless we start talking about the benefits of it, we have to answer this one simple question: What are goals? 

Goals are ideas you have about what you want to do with your life. They help you to take aim at a desired result that is important to you, therefore setting goals allows us to gain control of our lives and stay focused. They help us decide what is more meaningful and right.

In addition, there is a psychological reason behind this, which is the next reason for setting a goal. A New Year gives us a sense of renewal, which causes us to think about areas in our life we want to improve or change. In preparation for 2023, we want to leave the chaos and need to have self-compassion, too.

Moreover, setting objectives for the New Year may be an effective method of self-motivation. It can motivate you to work harder and be more productive and feel pride and success. For instance, when I first started journaling about my plans for the year, I was still confused. At first I started to get frustrated because I realized I was trying to achieve unrealistic goals in an unrealistic time frame. Finally, I fixed my mistake and started doing less difficult tasks, which pushed me further and gave me more motivation to continue and never give up. I moved from the general to a much more specific and detailed goal, for example, before when I just wanted to have good grades, now I know that at the same time, I need to repeat lessons every day, fill out tests, and actively communicate 

As for my plans for 2023, they have changed a little. Successfully passing exams, improving my English level and increasing followers on my informational online page are still valid, and to this list was added spending more time with my friends and family, and learning how to play on piano and guitar.

To sum it all up, in my opinion, it has great importance to start the year successfully, set a goal, write it down and at the end of the year cross the line on the completed mission with a smile on your face.

Author: Kato Tsuladze

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