I woke up so happy so I thought I will go outside so I got ready and went outside. I got tired so I went to a café, when I was there I saw a lonely and sad woman, she looked to be in her 20s. We met and her name was Sue. She was sad because her dear friend was very sick and she had “Pneumonia” and she thought her friend might die. I tried to cheer her up but I couldn’t so I asked what was her friend’s name she said Johnsy. I asked if I could meet her and she said sure. When we got there I saw Johnsy was lying in her bed, she was pail. I asked if I and Johnsy could talk alone and Sue said sure. When she and I were talking she told me something: Hey kakhi can you keep this as a secret? I said sure and she told me: I know the time when I will die come closer and looked out the window. Do you see a vine it has 4 leaves but it had 9, when all of the leaves fall I will die. I was shocked I told her: Don’t say that, you will be better soon. She didn’t respond. So I left the room in the other bedroom I saw Sue was crying and I asked her why she told me she didn’t want Johnsy to die she was scared to lose her best friend. I told her she won’t and next I left and I went back to my house. It was 10 p.m. and I was very tired so I went to bed. The next day I remember tomorrow will be Christmas I was happy but I went to Sue’s hotel and I asked her about Johnsy she was sleeping but I asked if I could check on her and when I got in her room I saw that there were 2 leaves left on the vine and after I left Sue’s hotel but at Sue’s house there was an artist and I remember I met him a long time ago. So I knocked on his door he opened it and we had a lil chat he told me how he tried to draw a masterpiece but he couldn’t. After I left the hotel and went to my house. In my house I got a phone call, it was Sue she told me the artist was sick too. I rushed over to the hotel but I was late when I got in the artist’s house he had already dead there was Sue there too I went home sadly. I was very sad so I went to sleep the next day I woke up to a phone call when I answered it was Sue, she told me Johnsy was all better I rushed over to Sue’s hotel and I saw doctors in Johnsy’s room she was all better. It was a Christmas miracle and when I looked out the window the leaf was there and I thought something. Wait I remember how the artist wanted to paint a masterpiece so I got to the artist’s house and I saw that before he died he drew a masterpiece he called it “The last leaf”.