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Elene Tsertsvadze – Books or movies?

This topic is really common these days, and because of that, I am going to talk about which is better in my opinion, and why? First, let’s talk about their positive sides, this will help us to find the difference between them.

Books– books allow you to enhance your imagination, give the reader a more complex experience, and always contain more details than a movie will.

Movies – the movies take less time to watch than to read a book, are more visually stimulating, and the actors can bring characters to life.

We can now see a difference and discuss which is better. It depends on the person. Some people love books and some movies. If you ask me I would say books are better, because they have more positive sides than negatives and we have to admit that books always will be better than movies. Books can make us better people, more empathetic and a lot wiser. I know that I should be reading more, but it is due to my laziness and lack of time that I don’t. Since I love watching movies, let’s talk about why movies can be better than books. It might seem like a completely pointless question considering all the amazing information I presented above about books. First, let’s agree that some movies are pieces of art.

There are instances where certain movies are better than books, as you will see further below. Watching a movie is never better than reading a book though. Creating a movie is as much of an artistic act as is writing a book. There are instances where the movie creators were better artists than the writers of the books the movies were based on. While it’s not something that happens very often.

Books are always better than their movie versions, but some movies are better than books. Some of them are The Godfather, Fight Club and The Silence of the Lambs.

Which do you think is better?

Author: Elene Tsertsvadze

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