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Elene Melkadze – How do Georgians celebrate New Year?

We all celebrate the New Year differently. Sometimes with family or friends, and sometimes alone. The Chinese New Year is celebrated between 21st January and 20th February. It happens when the New Moon appears. Surprisingly, some cultures celebrate New Year during March, April or June. It is beyond interesting how New Year is celebrated differently around the world. In today’s essay, I am going to discuss Georgian superstitions connected to the New Year. 

 To be honest, Georgians are a bit non-identical (and I do not mean that offensively) in that they literally have two New Years’: New Year and Old New Year. Both are celebrated similarly. The first New Year is the most important. This is when people exchange presents. The Old New Year is celebrated on 14th of January.  

 There is an essential ritual in Georgia, called Mekvleoba. Mekvle or first foot is a person, who is the first to enter your house in the New Year and mostly I am always this first foot in my house and my grandparents’ house. I must say I am a fairly good Mekvle. This ritual has its own rules. First, the Mekvle must be chosen by the family. Secondly, first foot must enter the house with his right foot and lastly, while entering the house, the Mekvle must throw candy or fruit to the family members. The reason behind this, is that if this first foot does all these things, the family will have the greatest luck a bright future, and happiness. If you are a good Mekvle you must wish the family members happiness, success, and prosperity for the entire year.  

 The most annoying rule is that it is forbidden to eat any New Year associated dishes before the New Year. Georgians cook a lot of traditional dishes for the New Year’s feast including “Gozinaki” (a dessert made of walnuts and honey); “Satsivi” (a food paste made primarily from walnuts); “Churchkhela” (a candy made from grape juice and walnuts or hazelnuts); “khachapuri” (a traditional Georgian dish of cheese-filled bread); eggplant with walnuts and many more. 

 Unbelievably Georgians not only have two New Year’s but also two Christmas trees. One is a standard Christmas tree and the second one is called Chichilaki. It is made from hazelnut or walnut branches that are dried and shaved to form a small coniferous tree. They are decorated with flowers and fruit instead of shiny ornaments.  

Author: Elene Melkadze

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