400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards
Price: 68 GEL
This title provides a wealth of resources to help teachers integrate the digital board into their classrooms. It provides ideas for using regular programs and software, as well as offering suggestions on how to create specifically-tailored resources. The clear organisation means that activities are categorised according to skill focus, making them easy to locate. It also contains suggestions for project work, ‘learning to learn’ activities and ‘the connected classroom’. It presents a fully comprehensive resource pack of activities for using the interactive whiteboard; provides systematic coverage of skills to enhance and support students’ learning; includes guidance on a range of technological approaches for all levels of experience. It is for teachers who are already using interactive whiteboards and who want to discover new and innovative ways to use them and for teachers with little experience or who feel unsure about how to use them most effectively in the classroom.
Sound Foundations: Learning and Teaching Pronunciation
Price 68 GEL
Sound Foundations is an ideal introduction to the English phonological system and an invaluable resource both for teachers of full pronunciation courses and for those who sould ismply like to improve the quality of their work on pronunciation. It offers information on pronunciation systems as well as practical activities which can be used in pronunciation classes and in regular language lessons. The discovery approach means both you and your students learn through physically experiencing how pronunciation works. The latest edition includes an Audio CD which contains clearly recorded examples of the sounds described in the book.

The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th Edition) with DVD
Price 68 GEL
In this new edition, Jeremy Harmer brings you
- a review of global English
- ideas to help you continue your professional development alone or with others
- methodology for teaching all the skill sectors in ELT
- DVD with clips from real classrooms, observation tasks and interviews with teachers on their classroom technique
Essential Teacher Knowledge Book with DVD
Price 60 GEL
Essential theory, practical teaching advice and classroom ideas presented in full colour, across two-pages, on DVD footage and through pin code access on the web.
Written in accessible English, Essential Teacher Knowledge is ideal preparation for TKT, any other entry-level teacher qualifications, or as a handbook for any EFL teacher.
Over 2 hours of DVD footage includes
- Demonstrations of key teaching techniques, such as giving instructions and drilling, letting new teachers see theory put into practice
- ‘Voices’ teachers from around the world sharing opinions and ideas about key issues for the global ELT community.

How to Teach English
Price: 68 GEL
How to Teach English is the only methodology book for “early stage” teachers that has a DVD with clips from actual classes and accompanying activities.
How to Teach Writing
Price: 68 GEL
How to Teach Writing includes
- An uncomplicated analysis of the nature of writing, particularly in terms of process, product and genre
- Discussion of the practical implications of teaching the theory of writing
- Descriptions of a broad spread of writing tasks, simple and extended, to help teachers select those that will be most effective in developing their students’ writing skills

Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of Second Language Development (Oxford Applied Linguistics)
Price: 68 GEL
Integrates theory, research, and practice on the learning of second and foreign languages as informed by sociocultural and activity theory. It familiarizes students, teachers, and other researchers who do not work within the theory with its principal claims and constructs in particular as they relate to second language research. The book also describes and illustrates the use of activity theory to support practical and conceptual innovations in second language education.