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Demetre Butsashvili – Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind was immensely popular when first released. It became the highest-earning film made up to that point, and held the record for over a quarter of a century. When adjusted for monetary inflation, it is still the highest-grossing film in history. It was re-released periodically throughout the 20th century and became ingrained in popular culture. Although the film has been criticized as historical negations, glorifying slavery and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy myth, it has been credited with triggering changes in the way in which African Americans were depicted cinematically. The film is regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, and in 1989 it became one of the twenty-five inaugural films selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.

 I have to admit that this book was one of the most captivating books I have ever read. It was a very good book, and I think it should be read by every person who is looking for a good story. The author has done an amazing job in writing this book, because he has managed to make me feel like I was there with them.

The moral of this story is that there are people who can be trusted and others who cannot be trusted. I think this is a very important message, because sometimes we may not realize what kind of person someone really is until you get to know them better. I liked the characters. They were all very different from each other and that made it easy to get to know them. I also liked the way the story was told from a few different perspectives. It made me feel like I was part of the story, not just watching as it happened. I love each of the characters. Their different personalities were easy to tell apart and made it easy to remember their names. The point of view from each character kept me interested and made me part of the story. I really enjoyed reading this book. I felt that the characters were so realistic because they had their own strengths and weaknesses. The story was written from different perspectives which was unique and made it a lot more dynamic. It is one of my favorite books that I have read recently. The characters were fun, smart and easy to love. I enjoyed coming along for the ride as they worked together (and against each other) to solve the problems in their community.

And here are some of my favorite quotes from the movie

After all, tomorrow is another day!” …

  • “Well, my dear, take heart. …
  • “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” …
  • “I can’t think about that right now. …
  • “I’ll think of it tomorrow, at Tara. …
  • “Sir,” she said, ” you are no gentleman!” …
  • “Hardships make or break people.” …
  • “It was better to know the worst than to wonder.”

Author: Demetre Butsashvili

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