Via and her family had a perfect Christmas dinner. August was opening his presents! After 10 minutes there was a knock at the door. They opened the door and saw that their visitor was Jack. Jack and August played games and they watched Netflix.
After 1 hour August and Jack heard a scream. Jack and August were scared and ran from August’s room. They saw a big portal appear and they had no idea what it was or where it leads to.
From the portal emerged a boy and Via asked him who he was. The boy explained that his name is Ade, a character in a book called “The boy in the Tower” and that he needs their help to defeat an evil man that wants to destroy Earth.
They agreed to help him and Ade told them that they have to find the Portal Weapon in order to destroy this evil genius.
They went to the cave where the Portal Weapon is hidden and they found it quickly by digging with a pick axe.
They were ready to fight against this evil scientist. They asked the Portal Weapon to take them to the scientist. They arrived at a laboratory and fought against the evil scientist and his scary robot warrior.
As they were fighting, Via found a candy bomb in her pocket. She shot the candy bomb and the robot turned into a good guy. Ade asked the robot to help them defeat the evil genius and he agreed.
After an hour of fighting, the bad guy was in prison. Via, Ade, August and Jack celebrated a wonderful Christmas. They played many games, they exchanged presents and laughed a lot!
Author: Data Chalabashvili