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Anastasia Butsashvili – Jane Eyre

I want to talk about the book Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. This book is about the life of Jane Eyre and how she became independent. It was published in 1848 and has been translated into over 50 languages. With this book, you can learn a lot about  Jane’s life. 

Jane teaches us life lessons:

1. Be a ‘brave’ person before being a ‘good’ person:  Jane Eyre was fearless, outspoken, and bold even in her childhood. At the age of 10, when she hears that she is being sent to an orphan school by her cruel aunt, she declares that she’ll never call the woman her aunt’ again. She also speaks out against her to-be-husband when she discovers that he is already married.

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” – Jane Eyre

2.No matter what happens, stick to your principles: being an orphan, Jane never lost the path to righteousness or did anything immoral. In the story, Jane is head over heels in love with Mr. Rochester but leaves him at the aisle when she discovers that he has a wife.

“I am a free human being with an independent will.” – Jane Eyre

3. Marry only for love, nothing else: Jane’s love life too is as complicated as everything else in her life.

She falls in love with Mr. Rochester, her employer, who is also in love with her. Their wedding is

interrupted by the revelation that Rochester has another wife which compels Jane to break off the wedding because of her principles.

4. No matter whether you are rich or poor, an orphan or have a parent. The main thing is that you are kind and you think right. 

Books Or Movies

I don’t know what to say because I love watching movies and reading books, but I have one rule.

 I must first read books and then watch movies. When you read a book you imagine everything and you create your world and it’s more joyful for me. When I watch movies this world is already created. I love watching Jane Eyre movie because it has a lot of beautiful scenes, but I prefer the book. 

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is the main character of the story. She is NEVER described as beautiful. She is an orphan who lived with her aunt and cousins. They didn’t like Jane and they did terrible things to her.

Jane is a strong brave and intelligent woman and she knows what she wants. 

Author: Anastasia Butsashvili

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