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Alen Golovchanski – The Last Mohican and Christmas

It is a story about a Mohican, so let’s talk about him. His name is Hawk-Eye and he is one of the last of the Mohicans. He fought for England. He aimed well with his gun. His friend Uncas died. So he was left only with Chingachgook. Hawk-Eye wished to get more members of his tribe because there were 2 Mohicans left. War has ended, I repeat. Some people were happy, some, weren’t. Nobody knows who won the war, but I think that England won the war. Some people that day felt bad for Mohicans and they decided to join them. Hawk-Eye was so happy. Chingachgook and Hawk-Eye had that many members of their tribe that they had to build a village. It was Hawk-Eye’s and Chingachgook’s best day ever. Both will never forget about that day. They were so happy people that they forgot that it was Christmas, but soon, they remembered. They set up a party in their village and prepared the table with delicious food. They made a hog barbeque, cooked mushrooms, and more meat! Some berries, and eggs! The entire village enjoyed the food. Hawk-Eye made toys out of wood for kids and Chingachgook made useful items out of wood such as furniture, plate and spoon. Both children and parents were happy. One time when the party was still going, Hawk-Eye asked Chingachgook: -Hey, what did you wish for Christmas? -Well, I wished to get more members of the tribe, and it came true! – Answered Chingachgook. -I had the same wish too! Is that a coincidence? Maybe yes. Hey. How about we invite Alice Munro and Duncan Heyward here to participate their marriage? –Then suddenly Chingachgook answered: -Sure! I almost forgot about them! Soon, They came and hugged Chingachgook and Hawk-Eye and shouted “We Miss You So Much!!”. “So Did We!” Answered Hawk-Eye. Soon, it became night time. Children weren’t tired so weren’t parents. They all spoke, they all told jokes to each other, they even played games. It was 2 O’clock, soon people got tired. Everybody went do their home to lay on their comfortable beds. It was their very fun day. But it has already ended. Next year, there will be another good party, I hope… Christmas story made by Alen Golovchanski.                      

Made for Book Club Education.

Also my extra: When it will be 2022, I want to learn how to code on computer, and I also want to test the virtual reality gaming. This is not the end! WOAH! The Mohicans were not lucky because the time traveler turned out to be Evil. He threatened them:

-If you don’t give me everything you own, I will send you to my World.

Of course they didn’t accept it, so a portal appeared and then sucked them in. They appeared in 2022.

First thing they do is panic, because they were lost in the worst possible place, the city. Too much car noises, too much people, too much building, too much everything! They all split up and asked people if do they know where person with green hair, green eyes, green clothes lives. They were unfortunate because first, they appeared next to the traveler’s building, second is that people don’t speak their language and third is that time traveler is the most known human. They learned the language and now they know what “wat Du u Min” means. It is “Turn Right”. They turned right and climbed the building. Then they saw that man and they beat him up and then a portal opened and they all jumped just to appear in their world.

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