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Nutsa Lomidze – Books or Movies

Before asking if I prefer books or movies I have to answer the question, books or computers? This is a really interesting question and of course, everyone has different opinions about it, but I think that in the 21st century, in 2023 the majority of people are going to say computer, and to be honest, you can’t blame them, because today’s computers are so developed, that by clicking on one button, you can have all the information in the world, about anything or anyone. But books, books have been an information source for people way before computers were even invented and till this day they hold more secrets about history than computers could ever have.

They brought history to us, a history that was then transferred into computers. Of course, looking for answers in the books is more time-consuming, but I would rather spend extra 30 minutes and get a valid answer, than ones that have been corrected and opinionated millions of times. Ok let’s move on from information, I mean the computer is used for millions of other things. For example with the computer we can create different designs and templates, save millions of files, without printing them, connect to people around the world, and most importantly, watch movies and videos. The thing that consumes most of our time, is the thing that is most addicting for unknown reasons.

In my opinion reason way people like to watch movies and series is that it helps them to escape reality and rather than worrying about their own problems, focus on different characters’ lives. And sure it is easier to imagine a certain world, or reality when it is presented in front of you, but even in this case, for me, books are better. There is just something about imagining different scenarios and putting flesh on characters in your head that have a different kind of effect on my serotonin boost.

When the book gets intriguing and you get so invested in the character’s lives, that you start caring and worrying about the same way you do about your own family and friends, when their victories become a reason for your smile and their pain becomes your torture, it’s just so freeing. Books are things that help me live a thousand lives and find strength in a really long one, things that show me different sides of myself and teach me life lessons.

So yeah, it doesn’t matter how much computers are going to develop or how good of adaptations they are going to make, I will always, forever prefer books, because, after a long stressful day, they will always be there, waiting on my bookshelf, ready to take me away from the mess, this world holds.

Author: Nutsa Lomidze

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