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Kesaria Popkhadze – THE MAZE RUNNER

The book that I chose is “The Maze Runner”, written by James Dashner. This is one of my favorite book series and the movie trilogy of all time.  The genre of the book is sci-fi / young adult fiction.  The book starts by telling the story of teenage boys who are stuck in a place called “The Glade”, and the only way to escape this place is by the maze, which is filled with terrible creatures who are called ‘’The Grievers”.

The main character of the book and movie is Thomas.  After he arrives in the glade, suddenly everything slowly starts to change. A few days after Thomas’s arrival an unusual and strange thing happens and another person arrives in the maze, but this time it’s a girl and that is when things take a turn. The start of the movie is the same as well. The opening scene shows how Thomas wakes up in the box, scared and confused, then suddenly the box stops moving and he arrives in a place filled with boys the same age as him. This moment is described well in the book and adapted into the movie incredibly. 

I actually read the book first before watching the movie, and everything that I felt and imagined when I was reading the book for the very first time, everything was the same way in the movie as well. Even the characters, especially Thomas, everything that the author said about him, how he looked, how he felt, or what kind of person he was, everything was so perfect and exact in the movie.

The actor that played Thomas in the movies is exactly the kind of person I thought Thomas would be. Not only does he look exactly the way I imagined Thomas would look, but even with his voice and personality, everything is so perfectly accurate. And I also need to mention that the other characters in the movie were quite like their book descriptions as well, even though some of them were completely different, almost in every kind of way. Also the visuals, I was so impressed that the film production managed to make a movie set and CGI so similar to the book description.

I absolutely enjoyed watching the movie and all the scenes the same way I enjoyed reading the book. So overall I would say that about 90% of the movie was similar and quite accurate to the book, everything from the actors who portrayed these characters, to the movie set and visuals. Yes, there might have been some changes and differences between the two, but I enjoyed both and think that the movie and the book are both very good. But personally, I think I would choose the book over a movie, because I just think you can get lost in the story and feel that you are part of it and understand everything and everyone way better, in details.

Author: Kesaria Popkhadze

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