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Dea Tsiskarishvili – Christmas Essay

Imagine one day in 2022 keeps repeating itself … Which day in 2022 would you choose to relive over and over again? Why?

If I could choose one day in 2022 which keeps repeating itself it would be the 15th of July, the last day of British Summer School. I would not need much time to make this decision. The last day of the British Summer School was unforgettable. The last day was a summary of what we have done during those two weeks. I was delighted and surprised because I made many great memories and gained knowledge with amazing people I met there in just two weeks. On the last day of summer school in the morning, we were preparing for the final presentation which was about our business idea. Every team was really busy. Also, there were some cameramen who were recording. After preparation we had lunch. That day I had the quickest lunch in my life. I wanted to finish eating soon so I could revise my speech before the presentation. 

After lunch we had presentations and parents were attending too. There were three people on the jury. After presentations, it was time for the award ceremony and we got certificates. We were all dancing and singing and had so much fun. At five o’clock I started feeling sad because it was the end of this great experience. Some of the students were crying because Summer School was over. I did not want to leave. I was ready to stay there forever but it was time to go home. I can’t describe in words how many emotions I experienced there during that last day. That day was of course my favorite day of 2022.

Author: Dea Tsiskarishvili

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