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Giorgi Kakhiani – Garfield’s Christmas Eve

Once Upon a Time, there was a cat named Garfield. He was the laziest cat in the neighborhood. He doesn’t like working at all. The only thing he likes to do is sleep and eat. He never likes sharing his food with the other cats in the neighborhood. His favorite food is lasagna. He lived in a big house with a man named John Arbuckle. John is Garfield’s owner. There was also a dog named Odie. 

10:00 AM…

It was a wonderful morning. John jumped out of bed. He rushed downstairs to wake Odie and Garfield up. 

-“What a great day to celebrate Christmas! Wake up guys! We will have guests this evening, so we better get ready!” Finally, we get to spend Christmas at home, but remember guys, you have to help me with the preparations!” said John. 

-“No thanks, I’d rather sleep!” -said Garfield.

“I’m going out for the groceries and then out to Vito’s to buy food for our guests. Who wants to come with me?” said John.

“Bark, bark!” barked Odie.

John and Odie got into their car and drove off. Garfield decided to take a little walk through the neighborhood.

While he was walking, he saw a few cats, begging for food. Garfield refused to share any of his food with the poor cats, no matter how much they begged him.

John and Odie finally came home. They parked the car and rushed into the house.

The dining table was all set, and the food’s smell was amazing. The doorbell rang and their guests arrived. When they approached the table to have dinner, they noticed that all the food had disappeared. Garfield ate everything! John took the guests to a restaurant since they didn’t have anything to eat. Garfield had to stay home since he was the cause of all these problems. He decided to take a nap.

“Wake up, you fool!” said a spirit.

“Where am I?” panicked Garfield.

You are in a castle of the Christmas Eve! We are the Christmas spirits! I am the king of the Christmas spirits. We are here to punish you for your awful mistakes!

“What got into you! You are so cute, but your actions are far from cute! We are sending you back in time and you have to fix all your mistakes and bad deeds before the bell rings. You only have one chance!” said the Queen of the Christmas spirits.

Garfield woke up and it was just before he stole the guest’s food. He rushed upstairs to wake John. When John and Odie left, Garfield took out the trash and even mopped the floor. He took a huge bag and put a lot of his own snacks in the bag. He went to the poor cats in his neighborhood and gave each of them some food to eat. When the guests arrived, he was respectful and kind during dinner. 

Suddenly, the bell rang and it was officially Christmas.

John was very happy with Garfield’s behavior and was so proud of his cat. Everyone was happy and celebrated the New Year together. 

“Thank you spirits, for giving me another chance! I feel much better!” thought Garfield happily.

Author: Giorgi Kakhiani

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