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Tekle Iashvili – Books or Movies?

There are many stories that you can read and movies you can watch. Famous books get turned into movies. There are people who prefer the original books and people who prefer the movies.

Seems simple? No, it isn’t. Do you prefer the book or movie version of a story?

There are those who like both, or can’t bear to choose. Movies will make you want to read the book, because you want to know more about the story and about the characters.

For example, I prefer books over movies. I think reading books gives us more knowledge and it helps us improve our vocabulary. It helps us to become a better human being while movies are just for entertainment. Watching a movie can’t give you the same depth of understanding of the story, which reading a book gives. 

Another reason why I choose books over movies is because in the original version of the book we see the real personality of the characters and we see much more action including battles or details you might like to remember.

Sometimes the way we imagine characters based on book descriptions are nowhere close to what they show in the movies. In addition, there are many things we get to imagine when we are reading a book. We have the most freedom and we can use our minds to ‘design’ the world or universe we are reading about, the people, buildings, animals, plants, etc. When we are watching a movie, we have to get used to what is shown on the screen, what the producers thought it would look like. Obviously everybody’s imagination is different and so we may have a completely opposite way of seeing the world. And everyone can make up their own universe while reading a boo

Every person has different thoughts and opinions. Some people prefer movies, some prefer books, but some just can not choose. I do like both books and movies, but I still prefer books.

Author: Tekle Iashvili

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