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Masho Urushadze – Books or Movies

In modern times, there are so many different methods of transmitting a story as there are so many sources out there. In earlier times books have been popular, but now movies seem to be getting more popular even though they have the same storyline as books do. There is a question. If movies are becoming so popular then why are people still reading books? The answer is easy. Even though books aren’t popular in the 21st century, they can always improve people’s’ reading and writing skills. Nowadays most people either read a book or watch a movie in their free time. Books and movies have some similarities and also differences. Some people argue that movies are better than books, or some people think that books are better than movies. In my opinion, books are better than movies. Reading books gives us more knowledge and it helps us improve our vocabulary. 

Imagination plays a very important role when we read books or watching movies. Basically, movies are part of our lives, also reading improves a person’s imagination. On the other hand, when we watch a movie, we focus on visual effects, such as design, animations and so on. Movies take 2-3 hours to watch for example: ,,Harry Potter’’ and if we read the ,,Harry Potter’’ books, we will need maybe 1-3 weeks. Many people would rather watch movies than read books which is maybe boring for them. 

Several people who both read books and watch movies claim that they were disappointed after seeing the movie as they had a higher expectation. In my opinion, it is easier to discuss a movie with your friends. Reading a book from cover to cover is boring for some people and they prefer to read from online sites. Many people enjoy reading books in their free time. 

Teenagers imagination about books and movies 
The serious topic is that children such as teenagers don’t care about books and only depend on computers and movies. In my opinion, when I read books it feels great. When you are reading a book you are imagining nature, you are feeling a person’s pain or happiness which is important to me. Older people read books more than they watch movies, while the youth would rather watch a film in their free time. 

Parents, grandparents and teenagers all like to watch movies, especially kids my age, because they think it’s more fun to watch with them. Most people are disappointed when they read a book and then watch the movie because the story is told in more detail in the book than in the movie. I was also disappointed when I watched a movie that I had high hopes for, for example ,,Harry Potter’’.

Some people have tried to read a book but gave up, because they couldn’t understand the main topic. On the other hand, watching a movie is easy and can save a lot of time.  

Final Point

A final point to share is that even though books and movies are different, they also have some similarities. Books, as we all know, focus on details while movies don’t. Therefore, books and movies have their own importance and it depends on whether you prefer reading books or watching movies. Reading books and watching films have the same purpose. Movies and books have different ways to present the story. 

In conclusion, reading develops imagination, improves writing and can help you get a better job. Meanwhile films are quicker to watch, but can watching films get you a better mark on an assignment? Can watching a film get you a better job? NO. Some people may answer YES to these questions. It is your choice whether to watch a movie or read a book. If you want to have a bright future, the best education you can get is through studying and reading books. Watching films won’t help you. 

Author: Masho Urushadze

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