Fight Club is a book which was written in 1997. This book is very interesting and has an ending nobody would expect. I think from this book you can understand that you must care about your mental health and about your life in general. This book is about an insomniac known as ‘’The Narrator’’ and his alter ego Tyler Durden. To understand this book/movie you must be mature. I can tell this from my personal experience.
I think movies are better than books and I want to tell you my arguments. First of all, the presentation of the story is much better. Let us return to Fight Club. The ending of the book was pretty sad, but the ending of the movie almost made me cry because the presentation was fantastic and the song was the one which suited it the most. I can say the same about The Great Gatsby. In the movie you truly understand how rich Gatsby is. I have to say something about the movie Scarface. Al Pacino made the “Say hello to my little friend” line and scene one of the best and most well known in cinematography.
Pride and Prejudice is both a book and a movie. To be honest I prefer the book as it made more sense to me. But if we talk about Harry Potter I prefer the movies.
Oscar from “Extremely loud and Incredibly Close” is a boy who will always achieve the goals he wants to achieve. He is a kind boy, but there are many things I want to change about him and his life. The main thing is that I want him to be happier and be less suicidal during the main storyline of the book.
My goals for this year include losing weight and decorating my room.
Author: Irakli Khurtsilava