‘Extremely loud and incredibly close’ teaches us that our losses may bring us depression and sadness, but slowly we have to deal with it and be happy again.
When Oscar heard about his father’s death he was sad and angry and he started thinking about death more often.
I think that reading is better than watching films, because it develops imagination, but I prefer watching films because sometimes I’m too lazy to read books.
I have read and watched Sherlock Holmes. First I read the book and then I watched the film. The film was just like I imagined. I liked it very much. Sherlock’s appearance was like I visualized and the cases were as interesting as in the book, so this got my hopes up. For me the book was more interesting, because I could use my imagination and it was more intense.
Oscar is a 9 year old boy who lost his father and his motive is to find out about the key. On the key is written the surname ‘Black’ and Oscar wants to find the lock that fits the key. He visits every person with this surname and even befriends a Mr. Black. He is much older than Oscar. After Mr. Black’s wife died he never left his house. After Oscar’s dad died he was afraid of subways, skyscrapers and bridges. When he became friends with Mr. Black he overcame these fears and eventually solved the mystery about the lock and the key.
Author: Tekla Koshadze