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Sesili Kartvelishvili – New Year’s Eve

At the end of a long conversation, he said:

  • “You may come to my palace this Christmas and celebrate there! I think that it is a brilliant idea. If your Mom agrees you can come with your family! That would be awesome.”

Tom had to think about it. He couldn’t stand the palace rules. He couldn’t even think about them a bit. On the other hand, he was excited to tell his family because it would be their first real Christmas, with presents, lots of food and with many friends.

His mom said:

  • “Oh dear lord! He’s a very nice boy and I’m glad that he invited us!
  • Yes, Mom but we don’t have a good wardrobe, so we can’t go there dressed in rags.
  • Oh, honey, I’ve got some money from last year, so we can buy some for you, me and your sisters.”

Tom got really excited. He was going to a New Year’s celebration party and was to be dressed nicely.

“The palace doorbell has rung,

 And the guests with loving hearts have come,

 May God put love,

 In the future ahead of us” 

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Author: Sesili Kartvelishvili

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