My mom told me we were celebrating 2023 at a friend’s house. I was excited for 2023. I was asleep one night when the closet started to move. I was confused and pinched myself to check if I was dreaming. I opened the closet and a secret door appeared. It was very cold so I wore two jackets, three shirts and four jeans.
I went through the secret door and there I saw angry Gingerbread men staring at me. I asked them why they were so angry and what I did wrong. They said I have to complete two quests. The first quest was to help the Elf wrap the gifts! The second quest was to decide who goes on the good and naughty list! I went to the toy factory and found the Elf. We worked for 3 hours straight wrapping all the gifts. The first task is done! Now for task number two!
I have to go to Santa’s house. I met Santa and we started deciding which children should go on the good and naughty list. We finished quickly. I found the door where I entered through. I ran quickly and I was back in my room. It was December 31 23:59. I ran to living room and I found all my friends there: Jack, Summer and my mom. I hugged her. It was the best Christmas of my life!
Author: Barbare Mishveladze