After the Bluchers attacked the Earth, Gaia and Ade were hiding out in their tower block, writing their Christmas lists. Suddenly a door opened and the Little Prince entered the room and said hello! He was a little bit shy. After two minutes Mulan arrived in the room. Gaia and Ade were surprised to see other people there. They asked many questions in order to get to know each other better. Now they know each other very well and became the best of friends.
They’re having so much fun. They decorated the Christmas tree and they made Christmas cookies. There was a problem. They didn’t have lights for the tree. They went to different stores but every single light was sold out! This was the biggest problem they had.
What do they do? A little bit later they decided to have a tree without lights. They played games including Jenga, Uno, Monopoly and Twister. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was happy. Every house was full of joy. They got to know each other very well and they are truly friends. After a year they are still the best of friends!
Author: Nita Dolmazashvili