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Demetre Dolidze – D’Artagnan’s Christmas Day

D’Artagnan went with his friends: Athos, Aramis and Porthos to the forest to celebrate Christmas. Christmas started early to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a small town in the Middle East. Now, people go to church on Christmas Day to remember Jesus’s birth, but millions of others celebrate too. 

D’Artagnan and his friends celebrated Christmas near the church in their wooden houses in order to hear the wonderful sounds coming from the church. They had a fireplace. For the fireplace they needed wood, but the snow caused the wood to become wet.  The other musketeer’s helped him bring the wood into the shed and the problem was resolved. For Christmas, D’artagnan wished for world peace. 

The Christmas tree was decorated with a star on the top. They even had an Advent calendar. They placed presents under their tree. They made Christmas cookies and ate them. I always wanted to meet the three Musketeers. They told me their very interesting and heroic stories and they gave me delicious Christmas pudding. I wanted to spend this Christmas with them. We celebrated Christmas together. 

I really love Christmas because my birthday is on the 21st of December. I also like Christmas because our family and friends exchange presents. On Christmas Eve all of us went outside where the musketeers taught me how to use a sword and this was a good experience.

Author: Demetre Dolidze

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