Once upon a time there was a man named Gulliver, the next day it was the New Year and he did not have a Christmas tree, so he went to buy a Christmas tree, when he went to the Christmas tree shop, he saw many Christmas trees, some were big, some medium and some small. Gulliver had a hard time choosing a Christmas tree, but at last he saw one Christmas tree that he liked very much and decided to buy it. Then he put the Christmas tree in the car and started driving. When he was driving, suddenly the Christmas tree spoke. Uch it hurts, drive carefully please. Gulliver stopped the car and said what was that? It must be my imagination, then the Christmas tree spoke again did not I said to drive carefully Gulliver thought it must be my imagination again. when he went home he decorated the Christmas tree and then he went to his friend’s house named Phileas fogg He told his story of what happened and then he went home and what did he saw: the Christmas tree, a stocking, presents, a candy cane, a gingerbread man, a reindeer and even Santa were drinking hot chocolate but what happened Santa gave Gulliver presents so what did you think grownups do not want presents? Ok let’s continue and Gulliver also said: What happened Santa gave me presents. Now I know that New Year’s items can also talk and I even have more friends and they even celebrated Christmas together.
My name is Anamaria Javakhadze and I am 8 years old. In the New Year 2022 I want to celebrate Christmas with my whole family: with my dad, with my mom and with my brother. I also want to: dance, sing and do everything that is fun and I hope that covid-19 will go away in the New Year and I hope that this will really happen and I wish that everyone will be good. I also wanted to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.