Macmillan Education Training Conference

Date and Place: 7 July 2016, Gori


Grzegorz Spiewak-Plenary: Error no Terror


                          Workshop: Teaching & Learning English with the Brain in Mind


Sarah Oskay-Plenary: Sizzling grammar: Embracing change and teaching with spark!


                      Workshop: Setting the limits in the ESL classroom; Managing behaviour



Date and Place: 8,9,11 July 2016, Tbilisi


Grzegorz Spiewak-Plenaries:  Error no Terror


                                                  Critical thinking makes sense


                                Workshops: Teaching & Learning English with the Brain in Mind


                                                    How to maximize impact of teaching in a modern foreign     

                                                   language classroom?


Sarah Oskay-Plenaries: Sizzling grammar: Embracing change and teaching with spark!


                                       Critical thinking for children: Using CLIL


                                           How do children become strong readers? Encouraging literacy in

                                      the primary classroom


                      Workshops: Setting the limits in the ESL classroom; Managing behaviour


                                      How to enhance reading and learning through games and activities


                                      Supporting children’s needs in writing through differentiation


       Daniela Clarke-Plenaries:  Encouraging Students to Speak


                                                    Improve their Listening Skills


                             Workshops: Spice Up Your Lessons


                                                  Building Vocabulary for TOEFL


Date and Place: 12 July 2016, Rustavi


      Sarah Oskay-Plenary: Sizzling grammar: Embracing change and teaching with spark!


                            Workshop: Setting the limits in the ESL classroom; Managing behaviour


       Daniela Clarke-Plenary: Encouraging Students to Speak


                            Workshop: Spice Up Your Lessons




Date and Place: 13 July 2016, Sagarejo


      Sarah Oskay-Plenary: Sizzling grammar: Embracing change and teaching with spark!


                            Workshop: Setting the limits in the ESL classroom; Managing behaviour


       Daniela Clarke-Plenary: Encouraging Students to Speak


                            Workshop: Spice Up Your Lessons