Dear Teachers,
The year is coming to a close, and to celebrate, we’d like to invite you to the Macmillan Education Winter Fair on the 16th of December 2020. There’ll be theatre, story-telling and of course, lots of ideas for you to end the year with your students with a bang!
Within the Winter Fair, a series of webinars will be conducted by the leading ELT specialists from Macmillan Education, such as Carol Read, Joanne Ramsden, David Spencer and Ben Crystal.

Top tips for storytelling with young children – Carol Read
Stories are a powerful vehicle for developing language in the pre-primary classroom but they can also fall flat and be difficult to manage if children are not attentive and engaged. In this webinar, I will share top tips for delivering storytelling sessions successfully to young children. Taking a story from The Wheels series as an example, a wide range of practical strategies and techniques that support the discovery of new meaning and inspire children to want to join in and use English will be demonstrated and discussed.
Time: 13:15-14:00 and 21:15-22:00 Tbilisi Time

Going out with a bang! – Joanne Ramsden
This term has been particularly challenging for pupils and teachers alike. We have had to adapt to a different way of learning – remote, socially distanced and wearing masks. It’s time for some fun! In this webinar we will be looking at ways to round off the term with a feel good factor by engaging your learners in an online or a face-to-face environment. Get ready for fun and games!
Time: 14:00-14:45 and 22:00-22:45 Tbilisi Time

Revise, Reflect, Recharge! End of term activities for teenagers – David Spencer
This practical session will suggest different revision activities and tips for your teenage students to finish the term/year on a positive note…and also to create a positive mindset for the coming year. The activities will all have an emphasis on increasing students’ participation in revision to the maximum whilst at the same time encouraging them to develop all-important Global Skills such as Thinking Skills, Social and Emotional Learning, and Collaboration.
Time: 14:45-15:30 and 22:45-23:30 Tbilisi Time

Finding your voice. Speaking together in the time of Corona – Ben Crystal
The year has been spent together apart, so much shared. The internet is terrific at transmitting sound and light; it’s not so good at transmitting empathy and atmosphere, and no help at all for speaking in unison. An inspirational end to the day, we’ll explore theatre techniques for setting up a nourishing virtual space, before taking a fun dive into Shakespeare’s Sonnets! Bring the Bard to life to tell your story, find your voice, and speak loud and proud in a safe space.
Time: 15:30-16:00 and 23:30-24:00 Tbilisi Time
Choose the time from the options and register for the Macmillan Education Winter Fair:
- 16 December 2020, 13:00-16:00 Tbilisi Time – https://bit.ly/3qILQ7U
- 16 December 2020, 21:00-24:00 Tbilisi Time – https://bit.ly/2K5aLSp
Thank you for cooperation!